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  • Writer's pictureJesse Lane

Our Chat with Aunty Blue

After a couple of years of chatting to bands you start to appreciate how the group dynamic can project outwardly into not only the bands image but songs themselves. Whether intentional or not a bands relationship and chemistry with each other can act as a strong, enticing allure to their sound. Sitting down with Aunty Blue provided Couchdog with a little insight into the bands dynamic and the journey they have been on together as they approach the release of their debut EP, Don’t Let Me Down. We found that our conversation with Kim, Harry, and Tom to be as warm and wholesome as their music.

Aunty Blue were officially formed in 2020. However, each respective members relationship with each other predated the bands genesis. Tom and Harry being primary school friends as well as Harry and Kim having a friendship for a number of years gave the trio a strong foundation for the band to build upon. Prior to their first show as a trio at regional music event The Smythesdale Arts and Music Fiesta, Aunty Blue was born out of a few tracks Kim had written as a solo act. These stripped back folky songs with introspective lyricism were a catalyst as Kim bought them to Harry (lead guitarist) to jam and add ideas. From there the trio was complete, with Tom’s addition on drums allowed a broader soundscape to accompany the songs original folky base. This crafted blend of folk, rock and touches of soul give Aunty Blue the warm sound that helps them stand out so early in their career.

For much of their time playing together, Aunty Blue consider themselves a live band opposed to spending most of time in the studio. This focus on their live craft allowed them to develop the tracks on debut latest EP in a very organic setting, as well as improving their performance chemistry. The early preference to live performance has created a strong foundation for the band to launch from. Aunty Blue have acquired a good amount of attention through their constant gigging with only a couple of singles released prior to Don’t Let Me Down. Following the release of their incredible EP Aunty Blue are poised to impress new listeners with an already tight and tested live show. This approach is proving to be advantageous. Hitting the ground running and immersing themselves within the cities live music scene has allowed Aunty Blue to create relationships with many other artists and music enjoyers. In our chat the band refer to how big the community is, however as their live momentum started to pick up the faces at shows became more familiar and the music loving contingent of Melbourne/Naarm began to take notice. The wholesome love affair with the Dreamy Folk group is just beginning.

Wholesome was a key word that came out repeatedly amid our chat. It’s a term that not only applies to the music and visual accompaniment of the band, but it’s also evident that Wholesome plays a big part in the close relationship all three have with each other. Tuesday night practices has become a bit of a ritual for Aunty Blue. With the goal of establishing a creative flow and creating a new song from scratch per session. The commitment to improving their song writing craft is paired with a rotating roster of each member supplying each other dinner for the night. With Toms pasta bake being a standout as well as Kim Lasagne (which may or may not be from Coles). The dynamic of the three come across like a family. A kind little community within the band itself that fosters a creative companionship. This can all be heard and seen not only within the realms of the EP but in the visual identity they have established too. The warm/sunlit and grainy overtones of their cover art and press shots perfectly match their dreamy brand of folk. Super 8 footage of their live performance, giving off the same feeling of an old family home video, and maybe most importantly a visual connection to nature.

Bringing it all full circle from their regional roots to their first ever gig at a regional festival. Through the storytelling within their lyricism and the visual references to their roots Aunty Blue has cultivated an image that presents an authentic version of themselves to present to the world. This first presentation of self is within Don’t Let Me Down. Be sure to give it a listen and check out our new friends in Aunty Blue!

Follow Aunty Blue Here

Check out their EP on Spotify Here

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