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  • Writer's pictureFred Carlyle

Mars On Holiday // We're Gonna Change Review

Written by Fred Carlyle

We got something a bit different for ya today as we’re heading interstate and over to W.A to show you a new track that you’re bound to enjoy.

‘We’re Gonna Change’ is the 4th single release of Perth's rising Indie Psych outfit, ‘Mars On Holiday’. Personally, this isn’t my first time dealing with these psychheads as back in 2022 I covered their sophomore track ‘Her and I’.

In my opinion, a vital feature of psychedelic music is always the immersion;  the ability for the song to transport you into its own sonic realm filled with foreign landscapes and enticing sounds that'll make you never want to return home... and so, I remember ‘Her and I’ to be doing exactly that. Its swirling of synths, celestial vocals and satisfying layering instantly sucked me into their lush and alluring universe. Now, as we travel back to the present day, I’m happy to say that the latest addition of their discography ‘We’re Gonna Change' does just that and more. Whereas the previous track followed more of a psych-rock opera path, this new one sticks to being more of a ‘straight down in the middle’ psych-pop track, and it does that perfectly (to say the least). From the get-go, this song plunges us into a rippley intro that expands almost instantly into a hook of drawn-out vocals and an extravagant layering of synths and electric guitar that'll grip you into a hypnotic standstill. (As a P.S, I love the drums on this track; they amplify the song's immersion by rising and falling throughout it like waves crashing on a beach, real cool stuff}.

Lead singer Dane’s vocals is and will always be a highlight of the band’s tracks; his calm, airy verses and vocalisations will master any melody given to him. If Mars On Holiday was a strange, celestial world, Dane would be the greeting voice that makes you feel instantly at home.

Now, alongside the rich and compelling soundscapes that these Perth boys offer us, ‘Mars On Holiday’ also manages to effortlessly bring unique and introspective storytelling to the table. Through subtle yet engaging lyricism, this song explores the sinking feeling that comes from the inevitability of a relationship’s honeymoon phase ending (the ole’ waiting for the other shoe to drop situation). Therefore a bittersweet tone provides weight to the deceptively care-free instrumentals with thanks to the act's expertise of emotional resonance.

‘We’re Gonna Change’ beautifully exemplifies the growing capability of ‘Mars On Holiday’; they’ve got an eclectic, attention-holding sound that will resonate especially with fans of Tame Impala and MGMT. However, the band’s authentic and experimentative take on the Psych Pop scene keeps them sounding refreshing and original, rather than derivative. As some extra good news, this latest single release comes with the teasing of a debut album that’s on the horizon. So, until then and next time!

Check Out Mars On Holiday on Instagram here

You can listen to We're Gonna Change here

You can watch their new Music Video here

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