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  • Writer's pictureJesse Lane

Lady Fern // 2 U Single Review

Couchdog are blessed to give you our thoughts on this new single from Lady Fern. 2 U combines the lyrical storytelling and warm acoustic tones of folk with a strong indie rock percussive section that energises the tracks near five-minute run time. The length of 2 U is utilised perfectly. A song that follows traditional structure going over the typical three minutes can be a risk, however the lyrical ability of Ewen Stewart keeps the listener engrossed throughout. We feel like we are right there on his emotional journey beside Ewan, as his vocals carry through the track with a great amount of versatility.

The rhythm section of the track acts in service to keep the pace faster than a lot of other folk artists. This allows for a lot more experimentation and a broader range of dynamics. The slow breaks between that lay bare without drums or bass put Ewan’s voice to the forefront and help build to a crescendo toward the back end of the song. The melody on both the guitar and piano are busier than most typical folk tracks but they allow the vocals to occupy a more interesting range. The chorus is reminiscent of artists outside of the folk genre. The slight strains on his voice can be likened to bands such as American Football or many other artists from the alternative/emo scene from the 90’s (or its revival in the 2010’s).

2 U also achieves the most basic yet hardest thing to accomplish in music. A chorus that won’t leave your head. Whether it be from the vocal hook or the accompanying melodies, the wide range of sounds that accompany the track all find a way into your brain and stay there. 2 U is going to be on the Couchdog rotation for a long time coming and we hope you check it out!

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