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  • Writer's pictureJesse Lane


Throughout Couchdog’s time interviewing artists that operate within the Melbourne/Naarm scene it is impossible to ignore the sheer passion and creativity that flows within the individuals that make the artistic output of the city so vibrant. It is a consistent thread that speaks volumes of the perseverance and dedication that one must have to really be thrive in such a competitive sphere.


When Couchdog sat down with Dan Blitzman the founder and core creator of Naarm band Dole Manchild, we expected a conversation filled with interesting insights into the creative process and peak behind the scenes of an upcoming release. However, what we received was a wave of enthusiasm and infectious joy that practically leaped out of our computer screens and left us as interviewers inspired.


Dole Manchild is the brainchild of Naarm based musician Dan Blitzman, who’s formation took place following his previous band ending due to the complexities of covid. While the pandemic understandably dampened the creative flare of many artists it would take more than that to stop Dan from fulfilling his goal.


The goal in question was to make a great rock record before he turned 30. A simple goal in theory but a task that many would be happy to label as a pipe dream. What this interview taught us about Dan and his approach to all his, is that statements like ‘I want to make a great rock record’ isn’t something done for show. It’s a promise, and this promise was fulfilled was with Dole Manchild’s first full-length album ‘WAR ON DOLE!’. An exciting and uncompromising rock record that features many genre conventions of Garage Rock, Punk and at times Grunge. These three sub genres were cited as being extremely important to Dan in his early days of writing for Dole, citing a band such as FIDLAR being a huge influence.


This influence is all over the early discography of the band, with consistent releases showing not only dedication to the craft of song writing but also a keen sense of what it takes to maintain relevancy during the early stages of a band. Once you hear that first Dole song it hooks you and you won’t have to wait around for too long to find more. But what is that hook? What makes Dole Manchild so tantalizing after initial listens. Hard hitting Garage Rock isn’t something new but Doles approach separates itself from a crowded genre. As Dan put it in our chat “If you are honest with yourself when creating art, you naturally develop your own niche, in my case I embrace my weirder and goofier side”.


It is this playfulness and unapologetic reach for vibrancy that makes Dole such a unique listen. From the tongue in cheek song titles that embrace the ultra-modern to the accompanying album artworks that are just as loud and colourful as the music. This synergy between audio and visual doesn’t stop at the records works however, Dole’s live approach embraces the theatrics. Props and set design are typically reserved for artists of a large stature due to their sheer workload that it takes to put such things together. If the effort put into constant releases wasn’t enough Dole and their community of likeminded artists all work tirelessly to ensure a live Dole show is something you don’t forget. There was even mention of a Giant cardboard cut-out with a retractable tongue. More than anything this interview left us putting all of Dole Manchild’s future live shows in our calendar, they are can’t miss events.


As all creatives will tell you, staying stagnant in your approach and output can be draining, it can also rob you of the sense of wonder that is vital when starting a new project from scratch. An eagerness to reach for new things.  With their newest EP, NATURAL BORN CONTRARIAN (produced by Tyson Fish), Dan looked to expand on the genre influence. While the Garage/Post – Punk ideals are ever present there was an interesting twist in the writing process with EDM being a huge influence on the new sets of tracks. The textures of distorted guitars, abrasive vocals and high-octane energy are still there, however the grooves and dynamic approach to the pacing of the tracks are heavily based off how EDM songs are structured.


Swapping out moshing for dancing, NATURAL BORN CONTRARIAN also entails added influence of the other members. Dan still acting as the principal demo writer, however the wider band’s added flair to their own instrumental sections brings in a more varied musical perspective. For example, members of the band being more into the Hardcore and Punk scene being able to write the heavier sections more effectively mixed with Dans prior experience making EDM leads to the new Dole EP feeling even more vibrant and dynamic than their previous amazing releases.


While this EP seems like a new creative apex for an already incredibly driven band, the excitement from this interview with Dan stemmed from the fact that this is just the beginning. As Dan stated, he’s “Never cared more about being a musician than now” and with the reception of the NATURAL BORN CONTRARIAN Dole Manchild’s multi-faceted brilliance is still in its infancy.

You can check out DOLE MANCHILD here


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